
Farces, et Oeufs, et Crèmes, oh là là!

I can totally imagine a French Dorothy saying that... (For you French-brainless scarecrows, our Dorothy is exclaiming "stuffings, and eggs, and creams, oh my!")  

Our offal day on Monday was followed with a day of farces and culinary math.  Lest you get confused, when I say farce, I'm not implying recipe costing was fun and games (it was actually a very long and very dry lecture).  No, I'm talking about the Thanksgiving staple and unsung hero: stuffing. We put it in peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, chicken thighs and breasts,  and then stuffed all of it on one plate. (Sick of my puns yet?)

Wednesday was devoted to eggs.  In describing egg day, our chef told us, "you don't cook eggs, the eggs cook you."  Very dramatic, blah, blah, blah.  Turned out he was just egging us on.  In contrast to what was eggspected, the day was all-white. Despite our fried brains and having to scramble for stove space, we whipped up some eggsemplary dishes. (Okay, I'm done. I've eggshausted all my puns.)

With eggs amounting to only pennies each, we were free to mess up as often as we liked!  The only rule, don't present anything less than perfect.  Chef wasn't yolking! (Sorry, I'm just such a comedi-hen.)  I managed a decent French omelette my second attempt, and went on to make boiled, scrambled, fried, and poached eggs.  By the end of the day, I imagine we went through nearly two dozen eggs each.

Eggs don't make good leftovers.  You're welcome compost pile.

We finished the week by starting pastry!  We made custards Thursday and Frozen Desserts on Friday. Basically it was ice cream day, and it was awesome.  We also got started on pastry doughs so they can rest a bit before we work on them monday.

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