
Organ meats are offal.

And offal is homophone for awful, which aptly describes my thoughts on organ meats.  They smell funny, they look funny, they filter blood and pee... so explain to me why we eat them?  As far as taste and texture? Not too terrible....but not deserving of their "delicacy" status.  Offal has kind of gone out of style in America and has been demoted to a byproduct of butchering.  I'm totally fine with it.

In case you were wondering offal is the umbrella term for the following meats:  brain, tongue, foot, glands, liver, intestines, kidneys, head, testicles, etc.  It comes from an old English word that refers to the parts of the animal that fall off when butchering (off + fall = offal.)

I spent the day peeling thin membranes off tiny kidneys, removing impossible-to-remove urinary tracts, breading thymus and pancreas, peeling "skin" off cooked tongues, and burning liver (no, that wasn't supposed to happen).   For a girl with texture issues, not my kind of day.  

On the bright side, I'm sort of winning in the sauce-making department.


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